LIS Donors 2013-2014
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We are so grateful to our donors who make possible the fulfillment of our mission to bring people closer to God and provide our spiritual services to all. The following donors have contributed to LIS in 2013-2014. - STILL TO BE REVISED
Magis Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wade
LMU Jesuit Community
Manresa Jesuit Community
Ignatius Loyola Circle
Tracy Industries
Loyola Jesuit Community, Los Angeles
Francis Xavier Circle
Mr. & Dr. Joseph Hur
Jesuit Community at Santa Clara University
Peter Faber Circle
Most Rev. Gordon Bennett, SJ
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cachat
Ms. Suzanne Ching
Dr. & Mrs. Fred Debs
Rev. Allan Deck, SJ
Dr. & Mrs. Kurt Just
Mrs. Joyce Ng
Dr. Clara Nguyen
Dr. & Drs. Amante Pulido
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Ramos, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Stringer
Goeke Family Trust
California Community Foundation
Loyola House Jesuit Community, Los Angeles
Mary & Joseph Retreat Center
Manresa Circle
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Barrett
Dr. Jesus Berdeja
Mr. Ramon Corona
Judge & Mrs. Frank Firmat
Mr. John Ford
Mr. Wayne Hubert
Ms. Jenny Agnes Jun
Friends of LIS
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