2019 marks the 17th Annual Hearts on Fire Awards Celebration.
This annual awards celebration, fund-raiser, and friend-raiser
provides an opportunity each spring to celebrate the work of
Loyola Institute for Spirituality and to honor those who have contributed to LIS in many different ways.
Sunday, May 5, 2019
5:00 pm - Reception & Silent Auction
Followed by Dinner & Awards Ceremony
Hilton Anaheim
777 Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92805
2019 Awardees
Tita was born at St. Joseph’s Hospital and is a lifelong resident of the City of Orange, which her family has called home for five generations. She and her husband, Bill, are proud parents of four children and are grandparents of five grandchildren. Tita attended Holy Family School in Orange and Mater Dei High School in Santa Ana, where she graduated with honors in 1965. Tita was in the first freshman class of the University of California, Irvine, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science in 1970. In 1992, she earned a master’s degree from the University of Southern California. From 1978 to 1992, Tita was the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry at Holy Family Cathedral in Orange.
Tita has been involved in city government for over thirty years and proudly served as Mayor of the City of Orange from 2012 to 2018. Tita has also worked extensively in her community through the years. She is a respected member of her community who is known for her dedication and generosity. Tita currently serves as the Executive Director of Catholic Charities of Orange County.
Hearts on Fire Award:
Teresa "Tita" Smith
Orange, CA
Rev. Ronald Rolhesier, O.M.I., is a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is president of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas, and the author of the books The Restless Heart, Forgotten Among the Lilies, The Shattered Lantern, Against An Infinite Horizon, and The Holy Longing. He is a community-builder, lecturer and writer, and his weekly column appears in more than one hundred Catholic publications. Fr. Ron is a well-known and sought-after speaker.
More information on his work can be found at ronrolheiser.com.
Speaker Series
Fr. Ron is the third presenter in the 2018-2019 Speaker Series.
He will present on Saturday, May 4, 2019
Writer’s Award in Spirituality:
Rev. Ron Rolheiser, O.M.I
Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, Texas
Hearts on Fire Award
The Board of Directors of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality (LIS) created the Hearts on Fire (HoF) Award in 2003 to annually recognize outstanding Christians whose contributions to spirituality, community service, and Christian leadership have been inspired by their formation in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola. The Spiritual Exercises form the basis of the Institute’s vision, mission, and broad array of multicultural and ecumenical services and programs. The award is bestowed by the Loyola Institute at its annual fundraising dinner celebration held in the Spring.
Four criteria are used to select the award recipient(s). First, the candidate must be formed in Ignatian spirituality. Second, the candidate must exemplify the Ignatian ideal of finding God in all things, i.e., live the Spiritual Exercises on a daily basis. Third, the candidate must be engaged in the service of faith to others. And fourth, the candidate’s sphere of influence must be one which is compatible with Ignatian ideals and which aligns with the vision and mission of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality.
Writer's Award in Spirituality
In 2005 the LIS Board of Directors created the Writer's Award in Spirituality, to be given to someone who has demonstrated excellence in furthering the spiritual teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola through writing. The Writer’s Award is customarily bestowed along with the HoF Award at the Loyola Institute’s annual fundraising dinner and award ceremony.
Wish to help us at Hearts on Fire 2019?
Please become a supporter of Hearts on Fire! Sponsorship opportunities for 2019 include:
Hosting a Table(s)
Underwriting selected portions of the Event
Placing an Ad in the Commemorative Program
Donating Items for the Silent Auction
In order to properly honor your contribution in the event program, we need to receive your commitment by April 20, 2019. To become an event sponsor, purchase tickets, or obtain more information, please contact Lupe Vizcarra at 714-997-9587, ext. 110, or by email: vizcarra@loyolainstitute.org. Thank you for your support!
Advertisement for Hearts on Fire 2019
When you place an ad in our souvenir event program, you provide much-needed support for our services and programs. Your ad also provides you with exposure to about 300 event attendees.
Your ad can be used to promote your business to an audience of Southern California residents with a strong interest in Catholic Education and Spirituality. It can also be placed in honor of a significant individual or family, as a memorial tribute to a loved one, or to celebrate an anniversary or birthday.
In order to assure the size and placement that you desire, ads must be purchased by April 10, 2019.
For more information, please contact Lupe Vizcarra at 714-997-9587, ext. 110, or by email: vizcarra@loyolainstitute.org. Thank you for your support!