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We are so grateful to our generous donors who make possible the fulfillment of our mission of
bringing people closer to God and providing spiritual services to a diversity of people.

The following donors have contributed to LIS in 2017.

Loyola Institute for Spirituality

2017 Donors

Insignis Circle ($50,000 or more)

Jesuits West


Magis Circle ($10,000 or more)


LeVecke Family Foundation


Ignatius Loyola Circle ($5,000 or more)

Manresa Jesuit Community

Viva Tiger, Inc.


Francis Xavier Circle ($2500 or more)

Ken and Renée Cachat

Richard and Nancy Celio

Mark and Anne Champagne

Jeanne Clark

Francisco and Laura Firmat

Fe and Robert Goeke

Jack R. and Deborah H. Gonsalves

Wayne Hubert

Charles Jackson, S.J.

Michael and Jenny Jun

Warren Kato and Rosa Lim

Loyola Jesuit Community

Amante and Christina Pulido

Catherine Sassoon

Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange

Jerry Thode and Kathleen Thode-Ferris

Peter Faber Circle ($1,000 or more)



Jim and Patty Baer

Patrick Howell, S.J.

Blessed Sacrament Church

California Province of the Society of Jesus

Catholic Travel Centre

Thomas C. and Mary Cesario

Suzanne Ching

Robert Dae-Je Choi, S.J.

Anne Debs

Diocese of Orange

Erick Fischer

Steve and Mary Anne Greco

Timothy Guth

Joseph and Regina Hur

Damien Jordan

Thomas and Mary Kuper

Loyola Marymount University

Caroline M. Neal

C. Nguyen

Our Lady Queen of Angels Church

Phillip and Eloise Ramos, Jr.

Edward Ray

Magdalena Santiago

Scott Scherer

Michael and Patricia Smith

St. Timothy Church

Richard and Mary Jo Wade

David Zuercher

Manresa Circle ($500 or more)


Angelus Block Co.

Thomas and Dale Auffenberg

Byron and Donna Beam

Grant and Glenda Campos

Dennis and Susan De Pietro

Robert and Carol DeFeo

Edwin and Tanya Ferrell

Mary Fingal Schulte

Donna Garza

Loretta Holstein

Ruthanne Inscore

Magis Center

Thomas and Helene Markel

Mary and Joseph Retreat Center

J. Gordon Moreland, S.J.

Sandy Possehl

George and Shirley Salapski

Kathleen Shea

Arrupe Jesuit Community-Seattle U

St. Denis Church

Trinitas of Orange, Inc.

Daniel and Beverly Truzzolino

Ben and Fe Varquez

Thomas Winfield


Beatriz Barajas

Frank and Renee Cassidy

Victor and Tere Cota

Paul and Lois Durning

Philip Frank

Jennie Gaffney

Liliana Hsueh-Gutierrez

Francis Hicks

Matthew and Nancy Ivary


George Kalinski

Richard and Victoria Kisow

Maureen Kosinski

Yeong-Cherry Liau and Mei Hsiang Sun

Elvira Maron

John and Therese McAndrew

Judge David McEachen

Sara Murrieta, C.H.S.

Joseph and Maureen Neglia

Manny and Betty Padilla


Sandra Rankin

David C. Robinson, S.J.

Eduardo A. Samaniego, S.J.

San Diego Jesuit Community

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church

John and Mary Ellen Sullivan

Hedy The

Uyen Thao Thi Vu

Rev. Bede Wevita

Rebecca Williams

Supporting ($250 or more)


LIS MEMBER​ ($100)

Tito Adenihun

Mary Anderson

Michael Sung Baik

Barbera Foundation

Eric and Jocelyn Batoon

Julie Bergner

Brenda Bertrand

Biospiritual Institute, Inc.

Warren and Mary Cannon

Leonard and Barbara Caraccio

Josephine Carrillo

Clemente and Martha Castañeda

Catholic Deaf Community, Diocese of Orange

Christopher and Christina Celio

Phoebe L. Chan

Anny Chang

Martin and Martha Clement

Sheila Conant

Amparo Coria

Jude Cruz

Francis Dass, S.D.B.

Rev. Msgr. Wilbur Davis

Shevlin de la Roza

Mely De Leon

Ben De Los Reyes and Liz Alejandrino

Annette Debs, C.S.J.

Ann Dickson

Laura Dunham

Stephen Dunphy

Mario and Marion Escalante

Dan Farrell and Jay Farrell

K. Madrienne Florance

Joanne Flynn

Pat and Shirl Giacomi

John L. and Lanelle B. Gordin

Esther M. Granados

Gail Gresser

Bob Griffin

Natalija Gruber

Barbara Gunning

Joseph J. and Felicia F. Halka

Rosaleen Hanlon, C.S.J.

Florence M. Hansen

Edward and Eleanor Haske

Justin Ezzi and Tammy Ichinotsubo-Ezzi

Karen Fairweather

Alfredo and Nellie Inducil

Jesuit Novitiate of the Three Companions

Richard and Janet Johnson

Thomas Kaminski

Gabriella Karina

David Kinnen

Thomas and Sue Klein

Daniel P. Koppenheffer

Charles J. Lopez, Jr.

Mary Lee Ludin

Rene Luevanos

Chi Chun (Tiffany) Luo

Annuncia Thu Mai, L.H.C.

William and Stacia Masterson

Tom Mcgrath

John V. and Connie D. Meigs

Rosemary Melville

Maura Monroe

Sandra Morrison

Georgia Mottl

Molly Muldoon

Heidi Ann Muth

Bill and Joyce Waibo Ng

Thierry Nguyen and Terri Thoa Pham

Nogales Jesuit Community

Brigid Noonan

William Charles and Alice Marie O'Reilly

Agustin and Antonia Olivares

M. Barbra Ostheimer, S.N.D.

Steven and Norma Ouyang

Mela Palacios

Lilyana Paramita

John S. Perak and Beth


John and Peggy Perample

P. Martin Peters

Paul Y. and Susan S. Qaqundah

Valvincent A. Reyes and Marissa Camanga-Reyes

Karin and Edward Reynolds

Thomas A. and Karen J. Roberts

Kathleen Robinson

Paul Rossi

Gerardo and Susanna Samaniego

Miguel and Esperanza Sampablo

San Francisco Solano Church

Raymond Seymour

Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo Province

Don and Gail Slaughter

Teresa (Tita) Smith

St. Boniface Church

Erna Stebbins

I-Hong and Li-Fang Sun

Tamara Tuyen Tran

Jung Truong

Gloria Tung

John and Suzanne Van Dyke

Mark Vaughan

Deborah A. Vomero

Robert and Mary Wiese

Cecilia S. Wu

Linda Ybarra


Sylvia Adsitt

Phillip and Jane Argento

M. Esther Block

Leon and Yolanda Brown

Loretta Callopy

Brenda Camou

Reynaldo and Adorable Castelo, Jr.

Benjamin and Elvira Castillo

Jose Luis and Ruth Castillo

Robert and Clara Chan

Margie Chan

Winnie C. Chung

Hugo and Paola Cienfuegos

Judy Clarke

Charlie and Jennifer Cochrane

James and Marilyn Daze

David D. and Editha Q. de Leon

Cristina de los Santos

Elena B. Dealca

Arturo Diaz

Kimberly Dodson

Therese Dougherty

Elizabeth Drouillard

Scott and Carmen Eisenbart

Josefa V. Esparrago

Adela Figueroa

Victoria Gancayco

Robert and Judy Giardina

Rev. J.D. Gorski

Patricia A. Hassett

Kathleen Hayes

Pamela Henderson

Merlin and Mary Ann Henry, Jr.

Maria Theresa S. Inocencio

Cathleen Johnson

Marguerite (Peggy) Kane

Paul and Agnes Kintanar

Michael and Paula Kjolsrud

Theresa LaMetterey, C.S.J.

Bruce W. and Chu-Yun (Cindy) Li

Angelita Lim

Edward J. Linggi

Anna Yin-Ying Liu

Sonya Longbotham

Richard and Georgeann Lovett

Gil Sampaga and Yasmin Magno

Margaret Mah

Jesús and Elvira Martin

Dean McCormick

Kathleen McMahon

Tim and Jill McManamon

Rick and Sandy Minch

Alicia Murphy

Bao-Chau Nguyen

Lisa J. Nollette

Carlos and Marjorie Obando

Paula Pavanis

Ryan Ignatius Pratt

Linda C. Rede

Beverly Ridge

Donald Patrick Roemer

Maria V. Russo

Gaynor (Chic) and Lee Ryan

David and Margarette Schwartz

Felipe and Rosa Maria Segura

Jan Sooter

Margaret Stelzner

William and Pauline Y. Tang 

Jeffrey and Veronica Thies

Marcella B. Tomooka

Suzanne Trupp

Raymond Uribe

Rene and Elizabeth Vargas

Marcel Viens

Christine S. Walton

Barbara Wilkes

Helda Yu

*Calculations based on the calendar year
January 1 - December 31, 2017


Total Giving = $256,552.03

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434 S Batavia St, Orange, CA 92868

phone: 714-997-9587


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